What is Schuhplattler Dancing?

What in the world is Schuhplattler?

It is a traditional style of folk dancing that became popular in the regions of southern Germany and Austria.  It is  considered a courtship dance that copies the wooing behavior of the Auerhahn (a very flirtatious bird). Couples march out in a circle  on the dance floor and as the male dancers stomp, clap, and hit the soles of their shoes and thighs with their hands, the ladies, wearing specially made dirndls, spin around the men creating a bell with their skirts. The couples waltz, perform figures and clap hands as well.

The men wear traditional leather pants known as lederhosen and the women wear a dirndl (dress) or black mieder (vest) with a skirt and apron.  The Schuhplattler dances often take their names from the towns where they originated, like Reit im Winkl or  Ruhpoldinger, other dances are often named after a profession, like the Holzhacker, which means wood cutter.

While we cherish the traditional aspect of our dances and tracht (costumes) we feel it is essential to add laughter, fun and enthusiasm to our performances. When we perform for a crowd we want to leave them energized and connected to our German culture.

TANZEN-LACHEN-LEBEN  Dance-Laugh-Live and it sums up what this dance is all about!

Watch it on these websites!

Schuhplattler Gruppe Alpenrose

Orlando Trachtenverein

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